
Polina is happy tackling complex business/technology challenges. Armed with a strong background in software development, data analysis and network administration, she enjoys learning systems and owning a raft of projects to balance her time.


Polina is a Staff Engineer at Squarespace. She leads the streaming data team responsible for architecting and scaling a platform delivering event insights on the user journey across customer segments and products. She worked previously at JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank and BuzzFeed.

Polina is an expert in all things data reliability and contributed this knowledge to a recently published book, Implementing Service Level Objectives (Oreilly, 2020).

Alumna 2013 Fall batch @ Recurse Center (aka Hacker School)
Posting silly code comments >> deletethiscomment.tumblr.com
Once built a python script to parody my CEO >> @jonahrator
Love my kids, snowboarding, bass guitar, philosophizing and travel.

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